Directorate VII D Human Resources and Organisational Development
Please send general enquiries to Human Resources and Organisational Development to: poe@zv.tu-…
Please send enquiries about internal training to: interne-weiterbildung@zv.tu-…
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Frederike Seib | Consultant POE, Development Programmes, Leadership Development | frederike.seib@tu-... +49 6151 16-26233 S1|03 251 |
| Christoph Göbel | Consultant POE, Consulting and Accompaniment of Change Processes, Development Fields of the Administration | christoph.goebel@tu-... +49 6151 16-26497 S1|03 251 |
| Stephanie Beez | Consultant POE, Coaching, Dual Career, Internal Hospitation, Toolbox for Leadership Conversations | stephanie.beez@tu-... +49 6151 16-26048 S1|03 250 |
| Jacqueline Hübner | Coordinator Continuing Education, Central Continuing Education Hesse | jacqueline.huebner@tu-... +49 6151 16-26182 S1|03 250 |
| Dr. Katrin Lehn | Representative for Human Resources and Organisational Development, Consultant POE, New Work | katrin.lehn@tu-... +49 6151 16-26498 S1|03 252 |
| Mareike Leypold | mareike.leypold@tu-... +49 6151 16-26363 S1|03 252 | |
| Sabine Paulig-Schmalz | Assistance, Event Management, Room Allocation | sabine.paulig-schmalz@tu-... +49 6151 16-26188 S1/03 253 |
TU Darmstadt
Dezernat VII Personal- und Rechtsangelegenheiten
Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung
Karolinenplatz 5
64289 Darmstadt