Change of 3G controls for exams


3G controls before entering examination rooms will be done randomly.

Since the change of the Coronavirus Protection Ordinance (CoSchV), the previously comprehensive 3G controls before an examination will be changed to a random control at the TU Darmstadt with immediate effect.

You can determine the random 3G controls (which room, which cohort) yourself.

Exception: until 19.03.2022 the big lecture rooms (S101/A1 and A01, S105/122, S206/030, L402/1+2 and 201+202) will continue to be supported by the outside personnel for 3G controls. The 3G controls should continue for these lecture rooms.

At the moment we cannot say how the situation will be regulated from 20.03.2022. We do not yet have any information on the planned new regulations.

Please check the FAQ for more information about the 3G controls