University Assembly of the Technical University of Darmstadt

The University Assembly of the Technical University of Darmstadt deals with matters that are of fundamental importance for the university. These include statements, in particular on fundamental questions concerning the development of the university, the teaching and study operations and the young academics.

Attending the meetings via Zoom

All members of TU Darmstadt may attend the meetings also via Zoom. The Zoom link can be found on the Einladungsseite where the invitations are listed (only in German).

The TU's Financial Situation

The presentation regarding the financial situation of the TU can be found in the “Protocol” section (only in German).

The meetings of the University Assembly take place from 3:30 to 6 p.m.
Meetings 2024
Date Location Agenda items to be submitted by
14 February 2024 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
24 January 2024
24 April 2024 cancelled 3 April 2024
19 June 2024 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
29 May 2024
16 October 2024 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
25 September 2024
4 December 2024 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
13 November 2024
The meetings of the University Assembly take place from 3:30 to 6 p.m.
Meetings 2025
Date Location Agenda items to be submitted by
26 February 2025 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
5 February 2025
30 April 2025 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
9 April 2025
18 June 2025 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
28 May 2025
22 October 2025 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
1 October 2025
3 December 2025 Hörsaal Maschinenhaus
12 November 2025
Professor Dr. Reiner Hähnle Representing the professors
Mikail Üner Representing the students
Julia Kadel Representing the academic staff
Thomas Vogel Representing the administrative-technical staff
Deputy chair members:
Prof. Dr. Britta Hufeisen, Nicolas Wiefelspütz, Dr. Matthias Homann, Mathias Knödler

IX. University Assembly (October 1st 2023 – September 30th 2025)


  • Professor Lambert Alff
  • Professor Christian Beidl
  • Professor Herbert De Gersem
  • Professor Andreas Dreizler
  • Professor Andreas Eichhorn
  • Professor Jens Ivo Engels
  • Professor Reiner Hähnle
  • Professor Matthias Hieber
  • Professor Christian Hochberger
  • Professorin Britta Hufeisen
  • Professorin Nina Janich
  • Professor Ulrich Kohlenbach
  • Professor Harald Kolmar
  • Professorin Ulrike Kramm
  • Professor Stephan Kuschel
  • Professorin Ulrike Nuber
  • Professor Marc Pfetsch
  • Professor Norbert Pietralla
  • Professorin Andrea Rapp
  • Professor Stephan Rinderknecht
  • Professor Marcus Rose
  • Professor Stefan Roth
  • Professorin Annette Rudolph-Cleff
  • Professor Uwe Rüppel
  • Professor Stefan Schäfer
  • Professorin Beatrix Süß
  • Professor Oskar von Stryk
  • Professor Stefan Ulbrich
  • Professor Felix Waechter
  • Professor Michael Waidner
  • Professor Josef Wiemeyer


  • David Brauch
  • Lisa Heidenreich
  • Liv Jacoby
  • Katrin Katzenmeier
  • Maximilian Kehrer
  • Svenja Kernig
  • Niklas Kraus
  • Luke Laumann
  • Hannah Müller
  • Connor Salm
  • Richard Sattel
  • Kristin Sieverdingbeck
  • Mikail Üner
  • Lou Wicka
  • Nicolas Wiefelspütz

Academic staff

  • Dr. Kaja Boxheimer
  • Dr. Michaela Falkenroth
  • Denis D. Haag
  • Dr. Matthias Homann
  • Julia Kadel
  • Dr. Florian Cristóbal Klenk
  • Dr. Peter Mewis
  • Imke-Sophie Rehm
  • Eva Schätzlein
  • Jan Welzenbach

Administrative staff

  • Dr. Mareike Eder-Egnolff
  • Dr. Annette Glathe
  • Mathias Knödler
  • Heidi Schweitzer
  • Thomas Vogel