The tasks of the Senate’s working group system re-accreditation include the support of the further development of the integrated quality management of the TU Darmstadt relevant for the system re-accreditation, as well as the monitoring of the preparation of the self-report.
- President, Dr. Tanja Brühl
- Dr. Petra Gehring
- Prof. Dr. Christian Hochberger
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Walter
- Prof. Stefan Schäfer
Scientific Staff
- Dr.-Ing. Kaja Boxheimer
- Dr. Meinrad von Engelberg
- Tobias Kratz
- Sophie Weichert
- Vertretung: Franziska Chuleck
Administrative-technical staff
- Dr. Mônica Holtz
- Zoé Zimmermann
The members of the working group were appointed by the groups of the Senate (according to § 40 WahlO).