Good, up-to-date and digitized administrative processes and services, the use of modern, beneficial IT solutions, satisfied users in the university administration and in the university – these are the goals for which the IT and Process Management staff unit stands.

The diverse tasks associated with these goals are handled by the SAP Applications Team and IT and Process Management with the work areas of Requirements and Project management and Process management. Our staff unit also leads working groups to steer requirements and process management at the TU Darmstadt and is involved in committees of the university administration.

The focus is always on close cooperation with the HRZ (University Computer Center), the CCHH (Competence Center for Hessian Universities) and the departments.

Dorothee Krohberger-Stock,
Head of Staff Unit for IT & Process Management

To design the processes of tomorrow, we need people who actively and passionately drive change and improvement today.

Picture: Pixabay
  Name Working area(s) Contact
Dorothee Krohberger-Stock
Management of the staff unit
SAP General responsibility, Management of the staff unit
+49 6151 16-23574
S1|03 020
Karolin Berghaus
Management of the staff unit (Assistant)
+49 6151 16-23599
S1|03 021c
Dr. Dagmar Bellmann
Process management (Project Manager)
Process management
+49 6151 16-20689
S1|03 021e
Carolin Gerke
Process management (Pro4TU) administration and application support
Process management
+49 6151 16-23481
S1|03 021e
Volker Röder
Business Analyst, Tuesday-Thursday
Requirement management, Project management
+49 6151 16-20045
S1|03 021d
Meike Gührig
Buisness Analyst, Mon-Thu 8:30-13:30h
Requirements management, Project management
+49 6151 16-23552
S1|03 021d
Dipl. Oec. Izabela Feuchter
Project Manager DMS
+49 6151 16-23543
S1|03 021c
Thomas Volz
Projectmanager SAP/S4HANA (Fit4S4)
Programme- and Projectmanagement SAP S4/HANA
+49 6151 16- 23562
S1|03 020a
Silke Kubelka
Management SAP Applications/SAP COE
SAP Applications, SAP Technology
+49 6151 16-71082
S1|03 020
Dr. rer. nat. Marina Nazarenko
SAP Technical & Application Consultant
SAP Applications, SAP Technology
+49 6151 16-71149
S1|03 021a
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Döndü Ziegler-Demirtas
SAP Technical & Application Consultant, Mon-Thu 9:00-14:00h
SAP Applications, SAP Technology
+49 6151 16-71173
S1|03 021a
Jan Petri
SAP Technical & Application Consultant
SAP Applications, SAP Technology
+49 6151 16-71146
S1|03 021a
Tobias LuxSAP Applications, SAP Technology
S1|03 021b

By using SAP software, the business processes of the TU Darmstadt are mapped. The SAP Applications team develops and supports the SAP solutions of the TU Darmstadt around the complete SAP lifecycle.

Solutions are provided and further developed in close cooperation with the university administration, the SAP competence team, the HRZ and the CCHH. The IT support of the business processes of the university administration is becoming more and more important. Optimization potentials are jointly identified and implemented with SAP solutions. The team is available to provide advice and support to business managers, partners and users on a wide range of issues.

Here on our website you will find extensive information.

Requirement management plays a major role in the central administration of the TU Darmstadt. It enables systematic handling of requirements, in which all necessary work steps are described from the idea to successful implementation. All requirements are recorded in a structured manner, documented, checked, and coordinated and further developed with all parties involved.

The dedicated use of project management within the University Administration is designed to develop on-time user-friendly solutions.

IT and digitalisation projects are becoming an ever-increasing part of the daily routine within the University Administration. The University Administration’s project management creates the necessary structures and assists all parties involved in the project to efficiently manage the multitude of existing projects.

In order to offer the project leaders of the central administration an opportunity for exchange, we have created the project platform. The results of the project leader workshop are also shared there.

Welcome to Process Management at TU Darmstadt!

Here you will find an overview of the project “Introduction of Process Management at TU Darmstadt”, which started in April 2022.

You will also find information about process management in general, current dates and a download area.

This page is still under construction and will be updated continuously. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the project team members Dr. Dagmar Bellmann (project manager) and Nadja Naumann (project team member) at .

Access restricted section: Log in to see this section.

IT and Process Coordination leads working groups for the targeted control of requirement and process management at the TU Darmstadt and is involved in committees of the university administration.

Welcome to the DMS project at TU Darmstadt!

On this page you will find an overview of the DMS project, which was started in September 2021.

You will also find more information about document management at TU Darmstadt and current dates.

This page is still under construction and will be updated continuously.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the project, please contact Izabela Feuchter (project manager) at .
